Data from the United States Department of Homeland Security, analyzed by the National Foundation for American Policy, reveals that the number of foreign students enrolled in American universities fell by 4% between 2016 and 2017. The report points out that this trend , “worrying”, could have an extremely negative impact on both universities and the American economy.
Foreign students provide the US economy with financial wind falls amounting to billions of dollars each year. Foreign graduates, for their part, contribute effectively to the development of some of the most successful companies in the country. This downward trend in the number of international students in the United States could also be accentuated by the Trump administration’s plans to restrict access to employment for international students after graduation. . The number of foreign student enrollments in the various higher cycles in American universities amounted to 633,000 in 2012. Since that date, their number has increased steadily to reach 840,160 in 2016. In 2017, the United States States had a total of 808,640 international students, including 367,920 students in second cycle and 440,720 in first cycle. The decrease recorded in 2017, compared to 2016, is around 4%.
The impact of this drop is such that some establishments have been forced to apply budgetary restrictions. For example, at Kansas State University, the language department has cut Italian classes. In Warrens burg, Missouri, we had to sacrifice computer classes and the campus newspaper. At Wright State University in Ohio, the situation is even more serious. The Italian, Russian and Japanese lessons, as well as the swimming team are suffering the consequences of these budgetary restrictions
Different factors explain this drop
According to Raja Bandar of the Institute of International Education, the decline in the number of foreign students in the United States is due to a combination of several factors. If Anglo-Saxon countries such as Canada, Australia or Great Britain have nibbled away at market share, other countries such as Brazil or Saudi Arabia have recently modified the conditions for granting scholarships to their citizens wishing to enroll in a foreign university. Anti -migration policy of the Trump administration and the rise of nationalism in the United States has only accentuated this situation. Thus, many students are now turning away from the United States and prefer to pursue their studies elsewhere. American universities are not the only ones affected by this turnaround. Business schools are not hiding their concerns either, and for good reason: two out of three business schools in the United States are seeing a drop in enrollment from abroad, reports the Financial Times.
Faced with the decline of universities and business schools in the United States, other alternatives are available to young people who wish to pursue their higher education in a school that adopts Anglo-Saxon teaching methods . The American Business School of Paris, in particular, welcomes students from all over the world and offers them programs of equal or even superior quality to those offered by business schools in the United States. What guarantee them an international opening and promote their autonomy and professional success!